Generally, an App Onboarding is a reliable method used by most of the organizations to enable an end-user understands overall functionalities of an app. It is mainly meant to help everyone for the interaction purpose & also to figure out what does the app performs too.
Typically, it is a loop of screens for major purposes for being used rigorously. For the major utilitarian functions & benefits of the app, enables to register through an exclusive login option. Finally, to gather profile data & offer personalized notifications along with content. Procure overall ideas about these typical services which are going to shake the world in 2020!!

First Progressive type displays new data on the screen while the end-users are directed through the app. It is an exclusive step by step process encouraging everyone to take necessary actions. The overall data is more or less relevant to the specific page. Then Function-oriented is a typical approach mainly focused on app functionality & explaining several ways pointed to the application development. Here, there is an assured demo of common actions which are performed in the app pointed directly to the users. The benefit oriented one shows several benefits where its main target is to enhance the conversions. To add it to nutshell it helps in depicting what the app does without any need on how to use the app.
Major Key Advantages
For greater involvement of active users on an app, the overall onboarding comes in handy. As everyone knows, the first user interaction plays a vital role in deciding the major factor of the app is used or not, the best user experience should be provided. Guiding several users through the on-boarding process on the usage of app & possessing of features helps to navigate in a better way. Hence, a fascinating idea is captivated of using the app & also using it efficiently without any complications.

It usually takes time to get involved in an app & also figure out the way too. In some cases, most of them fail to make themselves familiar with concerned features, which is a great obstacle to increase the conversions. The real fact is that practicing of best onboarding approaches resolves the complicated issue before it has a venture to rise.
The on-boarding is highly critical for processing an app, a favorite one for the users. When a proper insight is given for the app & directed towards features & functions, the users will stay with the app for a definite period. Hence, it optimizes the app retention rate by several multi-folds.
Best Proceedings

By demonstrating exciting features of an app one can entice user right into the app. To add it to nutshell, it will be an effective one by highlighting the value proposition of an app. Initially, start with a clear explanation of what a user gains by using an app. It gives a greater assurance for typical services & encourages using the app in the future too. One can go ahead with the prominent features & functionalities of an app that assist in the completion of tasks the users plan to execute successfully.
It just won’t make that much of senses if the app is exclaiming about learning languages & queries about favorite books. One must ask for crucial & relevant data. A recent report explains that about sixty percent of the users do not install an app if they feel that too much personal data is asked.

An extensive user on-boarding process may overpower the user to an endpoint that they might not use an app or exit in exploring a substitute. Text-heavy explanations or loop of screens are always preferred. Employing of onboard approach, use app screenshots & illustrations are the best ones to convey a message. The fact is that only a single feature is introduced on each screen. The coach marks help in the understanding of the working functionality of an app. This approach can be still attractive one by placing tutorials & gamifying a better user experience.
No one likes to spend more time on the app onboarding process. Hence, the clear vision of the login process, it is better. Providing a list of options of signing in with social media accounts such as Facebook or Google is a time saver & a better strategy among the users too. It automatically reduces a greater amount of friction in the concerned on-boarding process initiated by the signup mandate.

Seeking for approval is an important section of business ethics, especially when it is pointed to a user’s personal data. An app requiring for a cam or a microphone facility, it should be a mandate one asking for consent. The users are likely to respond towards permission requests if understanding profit point.
The signup option is an impediment point between an app & the user. It is better to provide user’s access to features of an app before asking to sign up. For example, in an e-commerce app, the users go through the products which are offered on a website; for the process of a transaction just they can simply log in. One can also enable logion option once the users have discovered the app.

The empty states refer to a series of screens which exclaims when users have not performed any activities. One can use these for a beneficial purpose by processing them encouraging. Instead of leaving any blank space, one can educate, guide & promote users to involve in action.
One can employ progressive visual hints just by exploring the app. It is simple as strategically placing the hints on the concerned places where prediction process gets struck while browsing the entire app. Hence, in this way tedious data can be avoided & also in saving the precious time of the users in a reliable manner.

Just similar to the success states, the empty states prove to be a great influence for engaging users on an app. On the other side of the flip, they create a better impression of an app in the user’s mind. They are referred to as the popup that shows the hand of appreciation once the task is performed.
Most of the popular apps personalize the data of their typical app which are based on individual preferences in the initial stage. For example, Spotify is a huge one among the users as it provides a list of options based on several factors such as language, genre & artists, etc. to initiate of personalizing the content.

It is the most common one for data access & messaging permissions to provide best user experience & value. Go ahead with the queries to grant an app access to data through overall use of permission requests. It is better to make a confirmation not to bombard with users along with permission request in the initial stage of an app onboarding process.
Reddit is one of the best apps and its overall process is exemplary. It allows skipping the process of creation & login for time-being to find the app & have a better user experience too. On the other side of the flip, it also performs typical onboarding best practices, enquiring to ask for permission to send notifications.
Calm is a popular meditation app helping the users globally with complicated issues such as stress, irregular sleeping patterns & anxiety, etc. Most of them are well know about it due to its fascinating features including several value propositions
like breathing programs, sleep stories, and guided meditation, etc. Here, an individual can set goals, choosing major areas of enhancing, developing, building and learning, etc. Then it asks the users to sign up through different platforms & ask for permission.
Slack is specially designed for well-defined communication between teams of small & large firms alike. It displays a list of features when a user opens the app automatically. It practices value-oriented Onboarding which can be seen on different screens. To add it to nutshell it also allows users to view how they can share information among different teams through the app.

From the above-discussed points, we get that both high conversion & intention rates are crucial ones of app onboarding best practices for the future & successfully process them an app too. Hence, by blotting the incredible feature integrated with an overall Onboarding flow into an app, it automatically increases the chance of an app’s popularity.