As the title seems that this is a passage that compares the three famous frameworks that are used in Javascript by web developers for developing and designing the websites. Regardless of the experience of the professionals, they tend to choose these frameworks for ease and dynamic outcomes. Even though the codes are written in the same language that is Javascript, they all are done in different in platforms, which is the mainframe of the program. Overall these languages and frameworks come in handy to make an interactive website. Let’s take a look at each of these frameworks.
Angular JS
Angular JS is a framework that is done by using the frontend Angular with the Javascript code. This frontend is developed by Google and launched in 2009. This is an open source client-side framework, which makes the development process easy for the web developers. It helps the web developers to resolve the problems and bugs that arise during the time of development by providing a shell page, which consists of multiple views. It easily collaborates with other libraries, which extends the HTML library for the development of web applications. But this has got some perks and advantages for choosing it.
- Few of the top reasons to choose Angular JS
- It has got an inbuilt dependency with an injection subsystem.
- It allows data binding that helps for reusability and compatibility along with simple routing.
- It allows the developers to develop easy customized Document Object Model (DOM).
- Angular JS promises amazing user interface.
- The data between model view and components should be synched.
- Angular JS can also be considered as an extension to HTML, which helps the developer to reuse the code.
- Individual test pages are created and tested one after one and then they interact with components with each other to the check how it works.
Cons of Angular JS
- There may arise some performance problems with DOM elements.
- Few scopes are hard to debug in the application.
- The routing is limited.
- As the pages are embedded with interactive elements, this actually makes the pages slow.
- Hard to interact with the third party.
Node JS

This is built on chrome Visual Basic Javascript Engine. Node.js is a framework that helps them come up with nonblocking I/O model, which makes it a lightweight and efficient when it comes to development and outcome. The package of the Node.js ecosystem is the largest ecosystem in the world. It is an open source framework that avails the Javascript on the server and runs easily on various platforms like Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX, etc.
Pros of Node.JS
- Node.JS is the server side application that is used in Javascript.
- Developers can develop the application in both vertical and horizontal manner.
- The V8 engine helps to compile the Javascript code directly into machine language.
- Individual modules can be cached further.
- Node.JS is highly extensible.
Cons of Node.JS
- Lack of rich library.
- It has dynamic and backward incompatible changes in Application Protocol Interface (API).
- It doesn’t follow a linear approach to blocking I/O programming rather follows synchronous programming approach.
- It isn’t a suitable application for large and complex web application development.
React.JS is an outcome of a search to find a framework that helps to build dynamic library along with high performance. React is more like an open source library of Javascript rather than a library. Used for the amazing user interface as well as rendering performance.
Pros of React.JS
- React.JS has a virtual DOM that is faster than conventional full refresh model but uses the refreshes as only a part of the page.
- Easy to create test cases for UI.
- Code reuse for components is very easy.
- Easy to display to components that are in large number efficiently and quickly.
- Easy to debug with specialized chrome extensions.
- It requires manual processing of any data changes.
- This covers mobile platforms both iOS and Android.
- It is one of the top Javascript frameworks among all the frameworks.
- It supports both front-end and the server-side processes.
Cons of React.JS
- The serious disadvantage of React.JS is mixing JSX (XML syntax to Javascript) makes it more complicated for the developers.
- The documentation is very difficult as it keeps on releasing new tools, this leads to a complicated process of understanding for the developers.
- Due to its constant development, the developers have to keep pace with the fast-changing environment of the process.
Decide it yourself
While React.JS is just a library, Angular.JS is a framework that is fully featured. The React.JS community is still catching up the speed with its growing community. When it comes to web development, choose the framework wisely.