PLC vs. IoT
Here in this article, we are going to view about complete details of PLC including its configuration data and whether the Industrial IoT overcomes the PLC concept in all terms of functionalities or not.
What is PLC, and why we use PLC?
A programmable logic controller (PLC) is an industrial advance PC that contains equipment and programming used to execute various programs. PLC can use for industrial automation, for example, sequential construction systems, entertainment rides, automated devices, or food handling.

PLC has four principal parts to make it a total framework,
- CPU module: It is the focal handling unit of the PLC that can use to perform and execute the operations in its memory. Here we make a program utilizing the product. All work is finished by accepting sources of input and delivering output signals.
- Power supply: A PS (power supply) unit is an absolute necessity for the working of PLC. This PS (power supply) gives power in DC to all the modules of the PLC.
- Programming device: As PLC is a programming device; we can program it as indicated by our work. When we customized it, at that point, it can work as per our given program. That makes PLC so unique and advance from the past framework. Users can make, mimic, make changes, and move information.
- I/O modules: These units are the fundamentals of the PLC framework. The input and output modules gather information from sensors and actuators, feed it into the PLC system, and afterward produce systematic data. These modules can either be computerized or simple.
PLC has a remarkable improvement over the past framework for the execution of operations. It is the cutting edge age, and each industry needs quick working with mass production, so PLC is additionally the wellspring of serious edge. PLCs can extend from various secluded devices with several sources of input and output (I/O), the modules are racked-mounted with a large number of I/O and frequently associated with other PLC and SCADA system.

The way that this unit or framework is programmable is a good improvement from past controls for handling tasks. It’s likewise the wellspring of a PLCs serious edge: Professionals don’t need to change the hard wiring when exchanging between working and applications. On the other side, they can only re-program the unit.
PLC normally has five programming languages.
- Structured Text
- Instruction List
- Ladder diagram
- Function Block Diagram (FBD)
- Sequential Function Chart (SFC)

Average Cost of the PLC
PLCs are typically very expensive, but their prices can vary depending upon versions started from $1000 to $100 for the hardware and the software.
Industries in which PLC used
PLCs are utilized, in different applications in businesses, for example,
- plastic industry
- pharmaceutical industry
- Food industry
- steel industry
- automobile industry
- chemical industry
- the energy area
The extent of PLCs significantly increment depends on the improvement of the apparent multitude of different innovations where it is applied.
Automobile Industry
PLCs were first evolved in the vehicle fabricating industry to give adaptable, rough, and tough programmable controllers to supplant hard-wired hand-off controlling frameworks. From that point forward, they have been broadly accepting, as high-unwavering quality computerization regulators reasonable for cruel conditions.

Plastic Industry
In the control device, the small scale PLC to control arrangement of injection moulding machines, to accomplish, including the entire cycle of position control, speed control, pressure control, temperature control, issue control, and an ongoing showcase of injection moulding an assortment of controlled, can extraordinarily improve the nature of plastic items, to improve the financial advantage.

Food Industry
A programmable logic controller, or PLC, is an advanced PC utilized for robotization on the production line. They can be found in each sort of food and drink production line the world over, but they hold a demeanor of fear for engineers on the line. The PLC is something of a workhorse in the industrial business.

Steel Industry
During heat treatment of high-quality steel, temperature, cooling rate, and strain are the main boundaries of the entire production line. PLC is used to maintain the whole process.

Power Sector
The created framework comprises a communication of programmable logic controller (PLC), controlling the power generation in each source, and estimating, in a fixed base, the force utilization and production. The PLC network is defined by the conventional master-slave prerequisites, utilizing the PROFIBUS communication. A SCADA system is executing to manage the whole PLC communication.

Future of PLC
The following technologies are the future of PLC,
- Artificial Intelligence
- Autonomous Systems
- Block chain
- Cognitive Engineering
- 5G
These technologies strongly define the future of Automation.
What is SCADA system?
SCADA represents supervisory control and data acquisition. It is a kind of programming application program for measure control. SCADA is a focal control system which comprises of controlling network interfaces, input/output, communication hardware, and programming. SCADA system is utilizing to screen and control the apparatus in the industrial process that incorporates manufacturing, production, improvement, and manufacture, infrastructural measures gas and oil dispersion, electrical power, water distribution. Public utilities integrate transport traffic system, airport. The SCADA system takes the perusing of the meters and checks the status of sensors at regular intervals so that it requires negligible interference of humans.

An enormous number of cycles happen in large industrial foundations. Each process you have to screen is highly mind-boggling in lights of the fact that each machine gives an alternate output. The SCADA system is to accumulate information from sensors and instruments situated in far-off regions. The PC on that point measures this information and presents it instantly. The SCADA system collected the data (like a hole on a pipeline happened) and moved the data back to the framework while giving the cautions that passing has happened and shows the data in a sensible and composed style. The SCADA system used to run on DOS and UNIX working frameworks.
What is HMI?
The HMI or Human Machine Interface permits operators to “communicate” with the system they supervise. It gives a visual review of the computerized framework’s status and direct control of its activity. An HMI‘s graphical screens can be customized to show significant status and control data to the operators. Pictures, symbols, sounds, and shadings would all be able to be utilized by HMIs to outwardly various working conditions. Furthermore, numerous HMIs send contact screen innovation for user collaboration with components showed on the screen.

In PLC, because of the conventional design, when the quantity of user communicate it debases the presentation radically. Further, it likewise takes more time to run reports from plants that are in various nations and districts from the focal plant.
The fundamental PLC use is for step by step plant activity and ingestion and capacity of a limited measure of information without safeguarding of verifiable information for more profound examination.
IoT can ingest and handle a colossal measure of information from sensors and permits to associate anything of significance utilizing conventions like MQTT, HTTPS, XMPP, COAP, REST, and so forth that is controlled by on-request adaptability because of server-less engineering.
The essential objective of Industrial IoT (IIoT) is to normalize sensor networks, data gathering, and conglomeration. IoT norms, for example, OPC, UA, are as of now being utilized to characterize constant secure communication inside a plant having diverse, control devices and sensors from various sellers. Security is heating into IoT guidelines with help for MQTT, HTTPS, RAML, and so on.
What is the next technology overcoming the PLC concept?
Cleary, both PLC, and IoT include sensors and information security. They do vary in numerous angles yet share the shared objective. PLC is definitely not a full control system; here the sensors are connected only through the wired system. Whereas in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is comprised of several devices associated with one another & hence the wireless connection is feasible. It permits objects to be controlled distantly across various networking and engineering. In IIoT, the cost is less when compared to that of PLC.
From the above-discussed points, it is clear that communication takes place only through the SCADA software, and the output is collected. By focusing on IoT, in any server architecture, the data can be sent and received easily. Here, the biggest advantage is that the mobile app can also be easily integrated compared with that of PLC. Also we can send the data to SCADA software from cloud and it is decentralized & completely wireless. For Monitoring IOT is ahead and far cheaper in infrastructure & maintenance, whereas Controlling oriented features like live pressure valve control, high power motor control etc PLC is standardized & tested.
The PLC can receive data from the sensor, process it, depending on the programmed parameters & monitors the operating temperature. However, IIoT has created its fame in the current market, and it is the best technology when compared to that of the traditional PLC.
Hence, it is clear that IoT is the upcoming technology over PLC. Obviously, our future technological advancement is going to be IIoT or Industry 5.0.
As everyone knows, Industry 5.0 can revolutionize the business process, increasing the productivity of standard technologies through the process of data collection & analysis. It is more vital for organizations to be smart & adapt to different digital supply chains. This one is feasible by implementing IoT in the industry 4.0 scenarios.
Where do Team Tweaks stand?
Team Tweaks is one of the leading IoT company in Chennai, providing a list of dedicated services through an intended automation process that drives top-notch growth. We have integrated the IoT with HTTP centers globally. As we are involved in real-time projects, we make use of our own hardware boards, sensors & customized software. Our recent project, “Smart Water Metering System” has won many awards, and it has been involved in the checking of water wastage, water consumed & leakage issues. The enormous concept of IoT for Water Management is an innovative idea for integrating advanced technology & resource conversation. Industrial IoT will help for better industrialization. Most IoT companies are involved in teamwork to acquire top-notch business value.